Monday, December 5, 2011

Of blue, red & pink ;)

What were my RED longchamp and PINK coach doing on the BLUE office chair?

Hhaha,they did nothing. They just sat there while I photographed them before going to breakfast this morning.

Nice color combination huh?

But my longchamp looks bit dirty..maybe becoz I wore it like my daily uniform? Sighhhhhh..gotta think to clean it up soon..
Owh that PINK coach? Yes,that's the gift I'm talking about in my previous post. Lucky me,huh? (Sapa nk bg purse secantekkkkk ini tetibeeeee kan?)

Ok actually, that friend of mine yg baik hati tu ialah seorg muallaf (chinese masuk islam), and married to malay girl..happen that he's soooo in love with his wife and wanted to give his wife 'branded handbag' I recommended him Coach (eventho he can afford LV or Gucci)..that was sometime ago,I accompanied him to buy handbag for his wife (and ended up I bought one for myself-sendiri bayar)

So this time he wanted to give his wife a purse pulak..nak matching I pun accompanied him again to the boutique..with another friend (yg nk beli seketul jgk)..

Da pilih punya pilih punya pilih tetiba
"Ko xnk ke keen? Pilihla aku bayar"

And I was like
"What? Ko offer aku coach? Ni lawak kasar ke apa ni

"Cepatlaaaa nak ke tidak..nnt aku tukar fikiran nnt.."

Wowowowo..giler kentang!!!
Being me,and considering our friendship of 9 years, and I help him-he help me bla bla bla within that 9 years I pun jawab:

"Betul? Aku amek skg,ko tipu aku sepak bunt*t"

Ok,that was harsh. Tp I kalu friend dgn lelaki mmg begitu,kata surrounded by men in my daily working life,so that's how I behave with them. Xde sopan santun. (Tp I xpenah sepak bunt*t sapa2 pun ok hehe)

Then pendekkan cerita I pun terus grab one, yg ada offer 30%, so price range between 500±. Xsmpai hati nak pow yg mahal2. And buatnya smpai kaunter dia soh I byr sendiri? Xdela menggeletar sgt nk byr sendri kan (lg pun mmg I nk beli purse CR purse da buroxxxx huhu)

So itula ceritanya.

Am I pisau cukur?errr relevan ke pisau cukur dlm konteks kwn2 mcm ni? Or..sepatutnya I x terima the offer?
Ok,actually he owned a company, and recently he got contracts with value of few mil RM. And he got extra cash to splurge on his wife and some friends..(Errr..but me?)

Just pikir I'm the lucky one ok? He's the one who's offering, I xpenah terpikir nk mintak.

Owh,u might asked did my husband know? YES, he knew it. I told him. If he asked me to pulangkan I will do. Tp dia x suruh pon? Haha,lucky meeee...
Sbb my husband pun kenal dgn dia 9yrs jgak..we worked together last time..since husband pun kenal how this guy mmg suka bazir duit,suka belanja org mkn,suka bg org pinjam duit (org bisnes byk duit katakan) so xde pelik if dia tetiba offer nk byrkan that purse semata2 sbb I tolong dia belikan handbag/purse utk wife dia. Pelik tp benar ok? ;p

So okla stop cerita psl ni. Rasa panjang plak I membebel. Next kita citer lain plak eh? ;)

** benda2 camni xleh post kt FB sbb kat FB ramai org yg akan judge kita wpun xtau cerita sbnr. Kat blog sbb I tau xramai yg baca myblog,kalu ada pun kwn2 terdekat yg kenal I siapa.(Yg baca and xkenal I pun xpe klu nk judge ;p)


  1. ehhh.. nak like.. tapi tadek icon like.. hehehe.. but i do like this post!!!! psssttt.. lain kali ajak aku sekali ye.. tetiba.. hikhik!

  2. heheheheh cik jijah..i x pandai la nk link kan ke FB...lagipun segan nk link ke FB nnt ramai org kat FB baca blog iii..maluuuu ngehngeh..

    kannn...? untung aku..lenkali aku ajak ko pulak mana tau dpt henbeg backhand pulak kann haha
