Saturday, May 29, 2010

another confession

does it makes me a bad mama, when i didnt do what most modern mummies nowdays do? (betul ke grammer akak neh? nih yg malas nk tulis in English nih..sokmo berperasaan begitu..)

yes, i do realized the importance of "it", but somehow i dont have concrete reason why i never done "it".

yes mummies, im talking about exclusive breastfeeding here.

before u read further,i beg u please dont judge me ok?

for my first child,Afni..i only BF her exclusively for 2 months ONLY. After 2 months (by the end of my maternity leave) i started to give her formula milk. While i was working,i left her with babysitter nearby my office, so whenever i got the chance i will drop by to BF her.(normally during lunch hours). Back at home, i will BF her fully at night. This routine continued for about 4-5 months until i decided to fully feed her with formula milk. By that time i realized that my milk production is getting lesser and lesser. (maybe because i never practiced 'EPing'-exclusive pumping,so that my milk prod getting reduced naturally).So, i only breastfed & mixed feeding her up to 5 months only. 5 months onwards, she was fully on formula milk.

So, when i conceived my 2nd child..i started to think about exclusive BF. I started to read more articles & finding more infos about it. But somehow i realized, it will take more than i can imagine..its not only a matter of time or money (u need to invest such a huge amount of money to buy a good breast pump+bottles+mini freezer+huge storage for EBM &bla..bla..),it's about ur effort& determination to do's a commitment towards your baby..since this is my first time to ever tried it, i think i may have to take it thing at a time..

So,the first thing i will do is to get a good breast pump. Then i will try my best to express my milk @ office, keep it and give to babysitter to feed Amna during daytime. At nite i will fully BF her. See how the progress. (lucky the babysitter's house is only 2 minutes away from my office).At least i prolong the exclusive BF period longer than 2 months. That's the aim at the moment. BUT i will never push myself too hard..with no maid/assistant @ home..and hubby is working in shift..that will leave me shorthanded with a grown up toddler and a baby to look the neverending housework..huhu..(i can easily get tense u know)..IF that doesnt work, then it's ok..she will also be on mixed feeding like her elder sister..

Maybe it sounds a little to late for me to start doing this, but BETTER LATE than NEVER..kan?

***akak tanya mak akak,berapa lama dia BF kitorg adik beradik, mak akak ckp 2mggu jer..paling lama pun sebulan..sbb dia da xde kitorg semua membesar bagai johan sbb minum susu DUMEX jer..mak akak pun working mother jugak..huhu
and lagi satu..aderkah akak sorg jer working mother yg berperasaan sebegini? working mom yg lain semua opt for exc BF ke? akak mmg rasa mcm bersalah kalau x buat, tapi my doc said,dont do it just bcoz everybody is doing it, its up to u,up to ur kemampuan..TAPI jgn x buat least try bg susu ibu sampai ke titisan susu terakhir..campur pun ok, jgn stop bg susu ibu sebelum smpai masanya..okeh doc!


  1. Go mommy keen go... If nethg to ask. Just ask me ok. But it really need determination bebeh.

  2. it's up to u keen.. mmg byk investment tp tak semestinya ko kene beli/guna brg mcm org lain.. there's still cheaper option...

    pasal hal2 rumah, kalau husband tak support mmg susah, lagi2 org workaholic mcm kita..
    aku since ada anak 2 hr tu, mmg hal umah mcm aku tak peduli sgt... nak semua nampak terurus mmg susah... tp apa pun, org leh terima sbb tau kita ada anak kecik..

    aku pun takde aa tere sgt mcm org lain, tp just buat apa yg aku mampu pun... it really save kalau ko dpt bfeed lama sket.. sbb bila start dah beli susu, lagi2 anak dah lebih sorang.. mmg terasa belanja besar...

    apa pun, nak share apa2 leh citer kat aku kay.. at least ko pam sampai 6 bulan pun tk pe..

    - dilla -

  3. do your best.. that's all anyone can ask for

  4. hi there! Salam kenal~ good luck & all the best!

    Being a working mommy is a challenge but I'm sure you'll do great! Amin~
